COVINFORM Newsletter #3 | October 2021 |
Welcome to the second newsletter!COVINFORM - COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling - is an EU-funded project aiming to understand the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on society in general and vulnerable groups in particular. The project assesses COVID-19 responses in a multilevel governance framework; and will develop an online portal and toolkit for stakeholders in the governmental, public health, and civil society/community domains. Since our last newsletter in June, we have published two more bi-monthly reports, a whitepaper, several blog articles, and a research paper. Partners have also attended workshops and conferences. |
Bi-monthly report #4: Findings on the Governmental Responses in COVINFORM countriesAt the dawn of 2020, International Institutions and National Governments were up against the unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis. This bi-monthly report summarizes the findings of the desk-based research that was conducted for the purposes of WP4 in the COVINFORM Project. An overall view of the Institutional and Government responses in the 14 target countries will be provided in conjunction with several visuals. The report is available for download here. |
Bi-monthly report #5: Using an intersectional lens to understand the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemicSince its emergence in December 2019, COVID-19 has had far-reaching consequences for societies around the globe. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic go far beyond physical health, impacting individuals’ and communities’ everyday lives and well-being, including in the domains of education, employment, family life, and mental health. However, the pandemic has not affected everybody’s lives in the same way. Indeed, the crisis has unfolded across pre-existing social fault lines in societies, exposing and exacerbating inequalities. The report is available for download here. |
Joint whitepaper with PROACTIVE | Communication in times of crisisThe COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated the need for communication and information that can be accessed, understood and acted upon by all, including vulnerable groups who may be harder to reach. Together with the PROACTIVE project, we have defined lessons learned and recommendations. The whitepaper is available for download here. |
Update from the PREPARE cluster: PREparedness and resPonse for emergency situAtions in euRopEEmergency situations such as terrorism, international trade disputes and global health threats, like the COVID-19 pandemic require large-scale planning for preparedness and response in order for countries to be able to cope with unforeseen challenges. The PREPARE cluster brings together several projects recently funded by the European Commission working on different aspects of crisis management. While each project has distinct aims and challenges, they all work towards a common goal. The initial cluster of ten EU-funded H2020 projects has recently been strengthened by the addition of two further projects, LINKS and RiskPACC. Together with the already participating projects CO-VERSATILE, COVID-X, COVINFORM, EUR3KA, NO-FEAR, PANDEM-2, PERISCOPE, PHIRI, STAMINA and STRATEGY, they will explore synergies, research opportunities and deliver joint activities to maximise impact. Through mutual support, the cluster will strengthen our response to the ongoing crisis and our aim to be better prepared for future health crises. |
The latest news from our blog |
| COVID-19 and mental health: a ‘tsunami’ of problems? In the first few months of the pandemic, there were predictions that it would create a ‘tsunami’ of mental health problems. To what extent have these gloomy prognoses come true? |
18 months of COVID-19 pandemic in Germany The population is exhausted and shows diminished trust in government, but also a high willingness to vaccinate. |
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| Government and the pandemic: structures and response With the COVID-19 outbreak, humanity had to adapt to a new era. New laws, rules and measures have been adopted for a fast and effective response towards the worldwide and multisectoral impact of the pandemic. |
| One size does not fit all – information seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic in a segregated society Information seeking patterns may help to explain higher death tolls in COVID-19 in immigration dense areas in Sweden. Information gaps widens with language problems and weak identification with the majority society. |
What's next?- COVINFORM has organised the second sister projects workshop in November 2021. Together with our sister projects RESPOND, PERISCOPE, SHARE-COVID and RESISTIRE, we will discuss our findings and possibilities for collaboration.
| Get in touch! Follow us and get in touch to learn more about our activities and outcomes. We are looking forward to your message! |
Copyright © 2021 COVINFORM, all rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you've shown an interest in the COVINFORM project, or opted in at our website to receive our COVINFORM newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, click here. |
| This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101016247. |
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