COVINFORM Newsletter #2 | June 2021 |
Welcome to the second newsletter!COVINFORM - COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling - is an EU-funded project aiming to understand the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on society in general and vulnerable groups in particular. The project assesses COVID-19 responses in a multilevel governance framework; and will develop an online portal and toolkit for stakeholders in the governmental, public health, and civil society/community domains. Since our last newsletter in February, we have published two reports, held one webinar, published several blog articles, and one book chapter. COVINFORM has organised a joint workshop with its sister projects RESPOND, PERISCOPE, SHARE-COVID and RESISTIRÉ, and joined forces with projects focused on disaster management in the PREPARE cluster. |
Bi-monthly report #2: COVID-19 vaccination campaign in COVINFORM countries: infographics & best practicesThe successful implementation of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns has been pointed out to be the only exit strategy from the pandemic. At the end of the first three months since the beginning of the vaccination efforts in COVINFORM countries, with this report, we aim to provide a snapshot of the campaign deployment in each country through infographics providing detailed indicators related to the number of vaccinations and to the attitudes of the population about vaccination. The report is available for download here. |
Bi-monthly report #3: A Glimpse of the Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 PandemicIn this report, the global methods for communication during the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed. Lessons learned from the communication vehicles are witnessed, leading to best practices and guidelines for improved communication in the future. The report is available for download here. |
Joint webinar with NO-FEAR | Vaccination refusal among healthcare workersIn this webinar, we discuss vaccination hesitancy among healthcare workers, delving into the different perspectives that underpin this apprehension. The webinar has been organised jointly with the NO-FEAR project. |
COVINFORM joins forces with other projects in the PREPARE cluster: PREparedness and resPonse for emergency situAtions in euRopEEmergency situations such as terrorism, international trade disputes and global health threats, like the COVID-19 pandemic require large-scale planning for preparedness and response in order for countries to be able to cope with unforeseen challenges. The European Commission has recently funded many projects to work on different aspects of crisis management, many with a focus on managing pandemics. While each project has distinct aims and challenges, they all work towards a common goal. It is for this reason that ten EU-funded H2020 projects, with a combined funding of €72 million, have united to form the PREPARE cluster. Each of the ten projects is tackling challenges specifically looking at the preparedness and response phases of crisis management and working together we aim to achieve stronger results and greater impact for our cause. Together CO-VERSATILE, COVID-X, COVINFORM, EUR3KA, NO-FEAR, PANDEM-2, PERISCOPE, PHIRI, STAMINA and STRATEGY will explore synergies, research opportunities and deliver joint activities to maximise impact. Through mutual support, the cluster will strengthen our response to the ongoing crisis and our aim to be better prepared for future health crises. |
COVINFORM Knowledge RepositoryCOVINFORM continues to grow its Knowledge Repository, providing relevant literature, data, events and other information on a variety of topics. In addition to our subpage on (inclusive) Communication & Misinformation, we have now published our collection of relevant Models & Data Sources. |
The latest news from our blog |
| Timely, transparent, targeted? Government communications during the pandemic An epidemic then is not simply a medical phenomenon, and to deal with it, you have to understand how human behaviour is affected by multiple subjective influences. |
What is the Pandemic Teaching? Vaccines in a changing economic and social context From the history of pandemics, we inherit important lessons for today’s society struggling to cope with COVID-19. |
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| Joining forces in mitigating risks of the COVID-19 pandemic In May 2020, as Europe was coming out of the initial shock and acknowledging the impact of the new situation, the European Commission launched a funding call for research projects investigating the behavioural, social, and economic impacts of the outbreak responses with a total funding of € 28 million. |
| The COVAX Facility: the way forward to ensure equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines? The lack of vaccine equity in the COVID-19 response is relevant to the COVINFORM project’s focus on vulnerabilities and structural inequalities in the pandemic. |
Upcoming events- International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) | 7-10 July 2021
- International Healthcare Summit | 22-23 August 2021
- 15th ESA Conference | 31 August - 3 September 2021
- ECREA Crisis Communication Conference | 6-9 September 2021
- World Congress on Health Economics, Health Policy and Healthcare Management | 20-21 September 2021
- Global Summit on Health Economics and Policy Research | 21-22 September 2021
Presentations- Webinar: The impact of Covid-19 and community responses | 29 April 2021 - presentation available for download
- 57 Scientific Meeting of the SIEDS (Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica) | 27 April 2021
- CERIS innovation workshop: European Resilience in case of Pandemics | 22 April 2021
Scientific publications- Anson S., Bertel D., Edwards J. (2021) Inclusive Communication to Influence Behaviour Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining Intersecting Vulnerabilities. In: Linkov I., Keenan J.M., Trump B.D. (eds) COVID-19: Systemic Risk and Resilience. Risk, Systems and Decisions. Springer, Cham.
Other publications |
| Get in touch! Follow us and get in touch to learn more about our activities and outcomes. We are looking forward to your message! |
Copyright © 2021 COVINFORM, all rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you've shown an interest in the COVINFORM project, or opted in at our website to receive our COVINFORM newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, click here. |
| This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101016247. |
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